
it's 2021 and guess who's over spending :^)

(One day my titles won't be completely stream of conscious thoughts.)  Some 'real talk': This year has been a lot for my family, and unfortunately my response to dealing with stress is concealing emotions and spending money so I have something to look forward to in the future. And that means I have a lot more projects on my work bench and, unsurprisingly, less money to get commissioned work done (and also less money to buy tools to attempt to DIY). So anyway I got into cotton dolls (plush dolls / 'K-Pop dolls') and that's been a fun corner of the doll hobby! I've always liked plushies but the styling of [older] K-pop dolls never grabbed my attention. Nowadays there seems to be a lot more variety and concepts swirling around, and it's making for a lot of interesting dolls and clothing! I currently have 5 dolls at home and I'm waiting on...9 more, production times willing. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Enski (@token....

currently: surviving the year long enough to finish one (1) custom project 🧸

2020 has been a year  but I recently finished up a nendoroid custom / kitbash of Guang Hong Ji from 'Yuri!!! on Ice' ♥  View this post on Instagram A post shared by Enski (@token.enski) on Sep 21, 2020 at 12:42pm PDT The base for the head and hair were 1022 Ron Weasley . The eyes were recolored with Copic Ciao markers, while the hair was repainted with Testors Spray Enamel (semi-gloss primer, gloss brown; because someone cleared the local store of semi-gloss) & Tamiya Flat Clear. The current body that he's on is from 1205 Misaki Takahshi . A friend got me into the idea of pairing Guang Hong with Otabek, and since they both have a teddy bear theme I needed  Guang Hong to have a bear of his own 😂 This was quick & dirty for a custom, but I'm happy with how it turned out. If I ever do another one that requires repainting, I'll try to apply the paint more evenly. There are some bubbles on his hair, but I can live with them. 😅
So, I discovered that after a tiny spur-of-the-moment split for some nendoroid hair and faces, I could make an old would've-been BJD character !   As my luck would have it, though, after I put the hair with some leftover faces I had and called it good, the BJD head I initially wanted for the character popped up on my Facebook.  But nendoroid parts are considerably cheaper than BJD parts, soooo I'm totally trying to split two nendoroids and get a couple parts for 2 more nendolls! Which brings the nendoll count to like... 4 completed, 5 waiting on bodies, 3 in progress / waiting on parts, and another 3 in the brainstorming phase (see: waiting for the face maker to update with the appropriate eyes, lol). ...I will own as many nendolls as I do BJDs and it took me NO TIME AT ALL to reach this point, in comparison, ohmygodd .  At least I've started sewing! I have both of the Obitsu 11cm pattern books, and I'm waiting for the official Nendoll pattern book to release, ...

happy birbday

I finished the layaway on my Soom Yrie, and they're home now!!  I have some fur on the way to make them their proper wig. I might try to dig up some fabric to see if I can make their outfit (or try to get them into this Barbie/Sanrio top), but that'll be after I contain this mess I made while opening my mail. I've also placed a new order for nendoroid faces to make another batch of OCs! I have practically all of their hair (a few are still coming in the mail), so once May/June hits and I get their bodies, I'll just have to figure out clothes.  All in all, a good way to celebrate my birth month! ♥

Nendoll & Picco Neemo Clothes

It's time for a fashion report, featuring 1/12 Picco Neemo (1/12ピコニーモ) clothing! From left to right we have: Maco Top:  Picco Neemo Wear 1/12 Camisole One-piece Dress / Pink Socks:  Picco Neemo Wear 1/12 Picco D Border SocksA Set / White x Black, White x Brown, White x Gray  Shoes: Obitsu    11cm Body Loafers / Brown Nanashi Top:  Picco Neemo Wear 1/12 Fake Layered Sweater / Light Blue Bottom:    Picco Neemo Size 1/12 Cropped Pants / Beige Shoes:    Picco Neemo Wear 1/12 Sofubi High-cut Sneakers / Red x White Wyatt Top:  Picco Neemo Wear 1/12 Open Collar Short Sleeve Shirt / White Bottom:    Picco Neemo Size 1/12 Cropped Pants / Denim Shoes:  Picco Neemo Wear 1/12 Sofubi High-cut Sneakers / White Accessories:    Pure Neemo Size - Etching Glasses (w/o Lens) A Set / Black Overall, I like the look and fit of these Picco Neemo clothes on the Nendoll bodies. Some of the bigger pieces, lik...

we all know i don't like sewing

I especially don't have the patience to sew for small dolls/figures, because holy cow . I certainly don't have the drive or motivation; even on a good day. So, to get these Nendoroid Dolls of mine properly clothed, I ordered some Azone Picco Neemo clothes! I should be seeing an odd amount of tops, bottoms, and shoes towards the end of the month that will hopefully  be a decent fit until GSC rolls out more fashion packs. It looks like anything meant for Fairyland Pukifee, or similar sized dolls, will be pretty big — unless that's the look you want to go for! Even Obitsu 11, and assuming Cu-poche, shoes are pretty big on them, too, but it looks like if you can stuff the shoes or give them socks, the Nendolls should be okay. I can say that some Monster High hoodies/jackets work well with the Nendoll bodies! I haven't tried any shirts, and the bottoms (a pair of school sports short-shorts) I have still hang off of them, but there is at least one thing they can we...

excited screaming + stressed screaming

A Soom Yrie has been sitting in the Marketplace for a while and, while there are also a few Alks floating around, this one is in white skin and honestly  they're the same sculpt and I would like to get them off my wish list. So that's a layaway in progress. I'll finally have my little bird, Atrophia, after all this time!! aaaaaa -!!  But before I get too excited, I need to focus on getting my Mini Kai (temporarily named 'Glace') properly dressed. I maybe-sort of spent more time than I would like to admit on finding an adoptable design to base him off of, because my original plan didn't feel right. After some searching, I found this design by DA user Rinn-y that looked really cute and just what I was looking for!  Now to see if I can do it justice, hhh