
Showing posts from December, 2009

Devious Plots, Holdings, and Can't Write To Save Face

I've been thinking of a way to purchase a B&G Eli-Imp and Soom Afi and I think I might be able to (With the power of layaway~! 8D") Granted, this will push back some other doll purchases but I think it will work. Hopefully :/ I've also been thinking about dolls that I would like to have to help this little story of mine. There are only 3 more that I would really like to have, and 5 that aren't totally important, but I'd like to have them. I'm hoping to at least get 3 of those 5 to meet my internal needs *w*)9 I'm finding it weird that I'm starting to lose focus on parts of my stories to compensate my doll wants 8D" It's not weird in the hobby (People do it A LOT), but I'm glad that I'm trying to incorporate all of the dolls in one way or another. - And I might x-post this bit on DoA in Supernatural Stories, but I've been needing to hold something this week so I've been with Hawkins the most (Tep is too small and Ic...


Just finished figuring out what I wanted to with my X-Mas monies :3 Decided on getting a pair of eyes and two wigs. I had to subtract somethings that I wanted to get, but I can work with this. And I finally know what body to get Icara :D (Now I need to get my butt to the bank... :/ ) I may also get a Volks Schulze instead of a DZ Fei-1 and Peak's Woods Punky Beetle for my main tag-along MSD doll. ...This just makes me think that Volks is slowly trying to consume me .__.)" Two dolls that I want, plus a body I'm trying to get. *Shiver* Not bad, just unexpected :/ Since I've never really liked Volks dolls. *Shrug* Well... maybe someone/thing will smile down on me and give me the chance to buy some Volks boys :3 But for now, I'll try to stop switching up my doll plans 8D" First Soom, and now Volks~ Man, the bigger companies are trying to consume me... - Enski

Major Crushing

I was looking for a Heliot in the DoA MarketPlace and I stumbled on a thread selling some limited Volks dolls. When I opened the link, I think I faulted mentaly and gathered my bearings quickly 8D" There is a Cecile the Scarface 2nd/Black Version being sold and omgwow, do I want him. It's one of those dolls that I thought was cool but never wanted. But I would like to have him now :3 He's really cool 8D And I think would be very interesting to have. I think I'm slowly turning into a Volks lover. Oh noes~! XD" He's pretty pricey, but if I can get the time from other purchases I'll try to get him. I'd really like to have him :3 I'm not sure about the character tha I see in him, something of a monster hunter maybe? Ah well, I'll keep him in mind. - Enski

Doll-idays and Goals

Happy Doll-idays to everyone, and I hope every dollie is happy with new things <3 And that every owner got a shiny new camera to flood the interwebs with XD" Though my dolls didn't get anything new... =3=)" Couldn't really bust them out with all of the kids around. But I'll try to treat them today ^^)" But I did get a doll related gift :D Monies! XD" My aunt gave me some money so I could buy some eyes and wigs :'DD I'm really grateful for that. Although it just makes me want more money to buy Venny |D" But I'll try to get him on my own, somehow. And I've been thinking about this on and off lately, but since the year is winding down, I want to say that I achieved my goal when I first got into this hobby <3 When I first started, I wanted a Dollzone Mo-3, Megi-2, & Megi-3. And I remember saying on the Anime Oasis forums that I was going to get three dolls by the end of the year (I posted that in... Feb/March?) And now th...

Soom MD Afi

D: DDDD: DDDDDDDD:  WWWRRRRRRRYYYYYYY???????!!1 ;__; It's so cute. Like... a mini Vergil XD" Like if I could mix Crobi Dante and Boy&Girl Eli-Imp then it might equal Soom's Afi . He is the 'Venny' of Vergil's nickname 'Venny Venus' <3 ohgawddammit D: Waaaaannnt. Would like very, very much ;3;) guuuuuh, why does Christmas time = really nice dolls? Especially when I'm already on another layaway XD" Hopefully I may be able to snag an Afi <3 The lil' cutie's already on my list, so he's not moving from there >;3 - Enski

Shrunken Vamp Head

:DDDDDDDDDDDDDD icaraicaraicaraicara ICARA IS HOME DESU YOOOOOO!!!!   /weeaboo ...So, I'm happy XD" And I'm glad he made it here safely. He also came with little goodies :O I haven't looked at them yet, but I think there's a tea bag in it :D aaawwwww, this just tells me that I need to get my boys eyes XD" And face-ups 8P I really don't have one in mind for Hawkins or Icara, but hopefully I think of something >__> I think Tep and Shi'ya will be my only face-up'd dolls XD" Anyway, I'm happy and now I'm going back to playing some super dimensional soccer. ...And maybe putting pics on Flickr :3 - Enski P.S. I know the smell of resin now c:


:D I made purchases yesterday~ A new video game and doll head are coming my way and I have a new doll to look forward to by February. ...The only thing that went wrong was that I didn't know Volks USA doesn't use Paypal? :/ So I wasn't able to get Hawkins' his eyes. And they were out of eye putty, too DD: So that bugged me. I'll just try to get them later them >: Positive ~ Icara is going to be shipped on Monday :DD Then I get a cute head in a box 8D" Until I have time/money to buy a body for him. It's 3rd~4th on my dollie to-do list. I was able to finish up the totals for Arius and Keza :3 They total to about 780$, about 100$ less than Almeno and Rovenha :0 Then again, those two had lots of outfits 8D" And now I'm doing Yu-Gi-Oh! stuff /nerd. This will be pretty time consuming c: - Enski

What a Boomerang

Because of the MSDs I'm trying to get, I somehow dragged Myil and Vertte back :D Probably 'cause V works at a café and they kinda do too :3 ...damnit, my doll count is at 15 now |D Okay, I'm fuxxing done now D: Personally, that's a bit too much. I don't even know where I would put them all. ....I wonder if I can switch rooms soon? >:3 But I think I would enjoy having them around, so their not-exactly-but-kinda-are counterparts can learn a thing or two. ...Like, What to do when your narcoleptic other keeps falling asleep in his soup :'D And the bigger guys can know How to keep creepy men off your girly-looking guy friend X3 (The obvious answer to that is a frying pan or some other blunt object ;3) But now I'll start making calculations for the four of them. Who knows, I might get them first and resume my main line o__o)" That feels too possible... - Enski

Line Up, HappyHouse

My current doll line-up stands like this: Tep / Pipos Bao *Own D.Hawkins / DoD DoT Camine *Own Icara / A.I.R SAY Vampire/Elf Head (*Layaway) with Volks SD10 Boy Body Shi'ya Devil / DiM Lloyd Boston Donovan / Luts SSD Flood Jongdari / Loongsoul Doll Jingling Cagnara / Soom Heliot Jupiter Madlin / Luts CP Sleeping Shiwoo 'Neptune' Hedzen / Dollzone Floy Vergil 'Venny/Venus' Adrom / CrobiDoll Dante Dez / Boy&Girl Eli-Imp Arius/ Peak's Woods Punky Beetle Keza/ Dollzone Fei-2 With all of the dolls I own, are getting, and hope to get. The last two are not in the story I have planned out. They're more like 'personal'/ travel dolls ^^" I think they'd be good for me to have, since I wouldn't want to take my Tinies everywhere or lug around my SDs. Arius is going to be wearing Dollmore's Boy-Barista outfit and the Keza will be in Dollmore's Timid Maid Set ;3 'Cause I'm weird like that. Though, I do t...