
Showing posts from February, 2010

Shi'ya to Hujoo!

(Shi'ya and Hujoo!) :'DDD Shi'ya arrived to day. I spent a small amount of time 'wtf'ing' & 'oshit'ing' about it XD Also, I need to loosen the elastic for his arms =w=)" I'm unable to string his other arm, atm~ (I'm using pipe-cleaners to keep 'em together for now) So, there's that :] & I need to make him clothes (Still) But also, I've discovered Hujoo >.> They are... not as creepy as Blythe or Pullips (I'm not keen on those, but I do sorta like Taeyang) but they are much cheaper than some ball-jointed dolls :D I'm thinking of getting one later in the year, but fearing that my mom will start something with me about the prices of the Hujoo Wing I'd get versus all of my dolls XD" (That's around 100$ vs. 1xxx$ 8D") Excuse me as I examine you wagon, for I may jump upon it ;] Now I must... figure out things >.>) /eerie  - Enski
I've been hunting for a DSLR today :/ It's hard, especially when you have to remember camera lingo and take in new tech jargon. I was thinking of being generic and getting either a Nikon or Canon but since my film camera is a Pentax, I'm going to stay within that family. (And I'd love to use my film camera, but I don't know how to take pictures indoors, I don't want to develop film all the time, and I'm not buying a film scanner. ..They're cool but I just- no.) >_> Should probably look into getting a compact digital cam, too. urrgg, I'm still unsure about some dolls~ Added one to my list (Not like I'll ever get it but XD") man, I'm tired =__=)" - Enski

/Blows Raspberry

I was doing a tally-ish sheet during lunch a few days ago :3 Just to see where I'm at/want to be at in this hobby. For right now, I own 5 dolls (2 full, 1 head, & 2 on the way), have 2 on layaway, and wish to own about 15 more. So that's about 22 dolls and currently no camera to expose them to... *grumblegrumblegurggleroar* I think I'm going to keep wanting around 15~20 dolls, even if I try to help it XD These numbers just happen. Um, let's see... Blah blah... getting new dolls, need to sew, eyes blah, blah wigs, blah blah money... Oh, I've gotten back into wanting a Crobidoll Nia :3 And a Migidoll Ryu. I tried to put them in a setting with my other stories, and they don't fit at all ;3 So they're their own thing. & I've pinned them down as roleplayers XDD" Er, anything else =___=)" Um, I've figured that Boston will be a Luts 08Man or FL Feeple ANU instead of a Flood (So I might have to snag a doll head soon.) And my wig order...

Heck Yes, Payments!

Yay~! I paid off two dolls! Omigosh~ I'm getting a Soom Bygg o__o (By the power of layaway~! /spooky) Squee~ I can't wait 'till the Afi molds start heading to the MP >:3 Plus I'm doing a group order for Girl Scout cookies with my friends and family XD So I think everything is going pretty well, at the moment. Now who wants to donate to my Wigs, Eyes, and Clothes fund? If you will excuse me, I have some new fabric to examine and a school day to get ready for ^^" Life Is OhSo Viewtiful~! - Enski

Keeping It Cool

So, I faxed Paypal on my account and I'm waiting for a reply from them :/ It better work, 'cause I feel bad using my grandmother's account all the time when I have one that could work perfectly fine *Huff* And when/if it works, I can go buy some eyes :3 Erm... Got my paycheck :D Not as much as I'd hope for it to be, but I should be fine with it. It should be enough to cover just about everything >__>)" Still iffy about future doll molds. I'm stuck for Parker and Boston (And maybe Neptune). I might end up just getting a Carl & Flood (respectively) for them. But I'll keep searching. Um~ I should go buy silicone ear plugs for an eye putty substitute. Since they're about 2- 3$ vs. 10- 15$ (x__x)" And I'll add eyes onto the list, too. I still need to get some for Icara, Hawkins, Gammon, Shi'ya (He'll come with some, but I want him to have teal/aqua)... Rumore, and probably Venny. ...And, really, everyone else but Boston X...

In My Defense, the Character Came First-ish

So, a couple of things :3 I~ should be getting a Soom Bygg! :D I'm very excited to be starting the layaway soon. Just need to hear from my seller and then get my paycheck. I'm afraid that paying might be a little tight, but I'll make 'em work :] Next up, I'm stuck on Parker's sculpt :/ I would like it to be a Miyu, but I might also like a Carl. ...Which I didn't know existed until earlier this week XD" So yeah~ I'm stuck. And, I'm thinking of buying a BlueFairy Xiao (The reason for this post). I was on TinierMe and I have a character with panda eyes and another in a penguin suit. ...I wanted to merge the ideas :3 So... yeah. I don't know if I'll be able to buy him, but if he stays in the MP until I get all/most of my purchases figured out & finished then I'll take him home! :D "orz I have clothes I need to make. ...And buy. Why don't I have money for clothes? Why don't you have friends who can sew? I do b...

High Time~ Get Your Groovin' On ;D

And the Joe said Life is viewtiful~ 'Cause, you know, I'm a sort of sucker for Viewtiful Joe. ...shutup. Anyway, things are looking up. Granted it's only been a day (And I have to stop saying 'granted,' geez) but a lot can happen. Especially when hunting for limited dolls. I've got Dez on layaway. Oh my gosh, I want to like... spazz for joy. God, I love DDE :'D I must go down there one day with Dez and send lots of hugs. Rumore is proving tough to get, but I'm pouring in loads of hope into his arrival here. As for Venny, oooh~ I have plans >;3 I must send more luff to my grandmother <33 Even though I bomb her with hugs every time I'm doing something doll related. It's her Paypal and (sometimes) her money that allows me to have these guys. Along with my mom, too  (But grandma is like, right behind me XDD) But... yeah. I posted a rant on my LJ XDD So there's that. And now I gotta occupy myself with something :x - Enski

Late Night Shet

I always get inspired by seeing dolls for sale, but usually I alter the character to fit my wants. So that's what I'm doing for Parker :] Instead of a Minifee Shushu, I want him to be a Miyu. I think the sculpt is more him :3 Other than that, I think I'm budgeting my dolls on clothes I'm buying for them XDD Not sure on the price, but it's bound to happen. And I have to buy clothes for Shi'ya :I Gawd, I thought he'd be easy to shop for... - Enski