
Showing posts from April, 2012

stop thinking that you have all the cash

Ha, so an artist that I watch on dA had a post with a list of dolls that they were wanting to sell, and a Migidoll Jina was on there. And here comes Enski trying to find pros and cons of owning a MG Jina. My thoughts haven't died down yet, but I'm sure that in <2wks I'll be over this. This usually happens when I see that people are possibly selling things- I try to see if I can buy whatever it is so I can help them fund for whatever they're after. I honestly think that I would have a Jina just... to have. xD Which isn't bad, but I don't like thinking that way with dolls. I tend to do more with dolls that have neat characters to them, than ones with just names and not a lot going on. Maybe that'll change? Who knows.
Back into drawing 'femboys' and it's making me want a DC Doris again. I'm a little bit hesitant, because I tend to not do much with SD sized dolls. I haven't taken any pictures of Eddy, and I still need to buy a body for Icara. And, even though I haven't done much with my dolls in general, I usually find myself more willing to work with my smaller dolls than my bigger one(s). Maybe I really, really , have to set time aside for my dolls. Summer is coming up, so after school could be the time to start. It might result in turning my living room into a complete workshop, but it should be worth it. I still have to make clothes, get dolls sent for face-ups, restring/wire/suede, purchase bodies/eyes/shoes... I'll find somewhere to focus and start from there. It would be better to finish my current dolls than to buy... 4 more and then be deeper in more resin. I might sell some, too? Highly unlikely, but if it feels like I'm running low on space or I can...