That one time I splurged and bought dolls
I'm happy to say that I recently bought bodies for Icara and Pompeyo! Icara's arrived last week (?), but since I don't have any clothes for him, he's in his really huge Volks box. I guess the SD10/13 boxes are always that big, but I've never had an actual box for SDs before so... Anyway, Pompeyo's body should have been shipped out on Friday, so I should be seeing it this week. October is going to be a busy-ish month for me, so I don't know if I'll have time to buy clothes or motivation to make any. (And with all of the cards that I owe people, I might not have money for dolls.) I have an outfit planned for Icara, but I need to plan some for... Everyone else, but Eddy and Tep? (Oh, I recently got a JerryBerry/PureNeemo doll! Their name is Marco, and if I can find the funds to gets a Doll-Chateau Agatha, they're going to get into hi-jinks together. uvu) ) And a few dolls need face-ups, still... ~Constant, never ending, doll problems~ I'll f...