new year, still on my doll nonsense
Happy New Year! What sort of doll-related goals do we have? The year has barely started and I've put one doll on layaway, and thinking about pre-ordering another. (As one does, of course.) The first doll is a Switch Vian , and the second one is a Flower and Junior Char . Honestly, I'm less surprised that I'm ordering more than my budget can handle (& outside of my wishlist), and more surprised that I'm ordering SDs. I own two already, but I've been staying away from the size because they're big and I don't know how to handle or take pictures of big dolls. Not like I know how to take pictures, anyway, but, you know . I am being good, though, and basing them off of character designs I purchased in the past! Vian will be based off of Thrift , and Char will be based off of Vacious . I'm mostly using their color schemes and any designs/traits that stand out. So, to be ahead of the curve and save money, I'm designing and sewing outfits n...