this year's phrase is " we're wildin' "
At least, I feel like I'm going wild with these doll plans. I received my Flower and Junior Char about two weeks ago, and now they, my Soom Bygg, and my MNF Sl. Scar Breakaway are with my buddy tamakyuart to get repainted. I'm excited to see what she will do with them! The weather went from ☀ to⚡☔ but my latest addition made it in before the rain. This is Vai (or 'Vacious')! The body & wig aren't his, but he'll have his own, eventually-soon. 😚 . . #bjd #balljointeddoll #dollstagram #flowerandjunior #flowerandjuniorchar A post shared by Enski (@token.enski) on May 15, 2018 at 2:04pm PDT I also ordered a body for my Char during the Mirodoll sale, along with some small hooks and new elastic. Maybe by the time the body is made, the face-ups will be done. And I think my Switch Vian and Gokidoll Mini Kai are incoming. I haven't gotten any tracking numbers, but I also haven't gotten any pink slips at my door or mail box, so I can ...