So, I discovered that after a tiny spur-of-the-moment split for some nendoroid hair and faces, I could make an old would've-been BJD character ! As my luck would have it, though, after I put the hair with some leftover faces I had and called it good, the BJD head I initially wanted for the character popped up on my Facebook. But nendoroid parts are considerably cheaper than BJD parts, soooo I'm totally trying to split two nendoroids and get a couple parts for 2 more nendolls! Which brings the nendoll count to like... 4 completed, 5 waiting on bodies, 3 in progress / waiting on parts, and another 3 in the brainstorming phase (see: waiting for the face maker to update with the appropriate eyes, lol). ...I will own as many nendolls as I do BJDs and it took me NO TIME AT ALL to reach this point, in comparison, ohmygodd . At least I've started sewing! I have both of the Obitsu 11cm pattern books, and I'm waiting for the official Nendoll pattern book to release, ...
Showing posts from May, 2019