
Showing posts from 2020

currently: surviving the year long enough to finish one (1) custom project 🧸

2020 has been a year  but I recently finished up a nendoroid custom / kitbash of Guang Hong Ji from 'Yuri!!! on Ice' ♥  View this post on Instagram A post shared by Enski (@token.enski) on Sep 21, 2020 at 12:42pm PDT The base for the head and hair were 1022 Ron Weasley . The eyes were recolored with Copic Ciao markers, while the hair was repainted with Testors Spray Enamel (semi-gloss primer, gloss brown; because someone cleared the local store of semi-gloss) & Tamiya Flat Clear. The current body that he's on is from 1205 Misaki Takahshi . A friend got me into the idea of pairing Guang Hong with Otabek, and since they both have a teddy bear theme I needed  Guang Hong to have a bear of his own 😂 This was quick & dirty for a custom, but I'm happy with how it turned out. If I ever do another one that requires repainting, I'll try to apply the paint more evenly. There are some bubbles on his hair, but I can live with them. 😅