
Showing posts from 2021

it's 2021 and guess who's over spending :^)

(One day my titles won't be completely stream of conscious thoughts.)  Some 'real talk': This year has been a lot for my family, and unfortunately my response to dealing with stress is concealing emotions and spending money so I have something to look forward to in the future. And that means I have a lot more projects on my work bench and, unsurprisingly, less money to get commissioned work done (and also less money to buy tools to attempt to DIY). So anyway I got into cotton dolls (plush dolls / 'K-Pop dolls') and that's been a fun corner of the doll hobby! I've always liked plushies but the styling of [older] K-pop dolls never grabbed my attention. Nowadays there seems to be a lot more variety and concepts swirling around, and it's making for a lot of interesting dolls and clothing! I currently have 5 dolls at home and I'm waiting on...9 more, production times willing. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Enski (@token....