
Showing posts from 2005


So, I have not posted here for a long while. Well, I would have posted in September, post that long entry is still a draft. >> It's actually about part of my summer when my computer died on me T.T Well, the Internet anyway. I'm making my manga/comic, Saint Cross, into a FanFicton. Other than the fact that it would take a long time to draw and I'm bad at drawing, it should be better as a story. >> This is going to be short. Probably because I am not including my musings and have nothing really interesting to put down here. So, I will just take my leave right now. Late. -AK13

Muses At Work 2

With the title, you must be wondering: What? AK13 has more?! That's right, I have more muses!! Now these are dragon muses I have created over RPGs and they can take human form. I could go indepth but I don't feel like it. Now, let me just put up their bios and they'll have the post mostly to themselves. Rei: Fire Dragon. Red Hair, crimson eyes, usually wears something that resembles a basketball jersey/uniform or anything that's dark red and/or black . Has a bit of a temper. Like Furuba's Kyo. Saiyume(Sai): Lightning Dragon. Green Hair (Like Magi's from [DOT] Hack//Legend of Twilight), emerald eyes (glasses). Usually wears long jeans and dark green t-shirt. Kind, smart, blunt, helpful, shy. Yaichi: Light Dragon. Same type of hair as HatsuHaru, grey eyes. Usually wears a necklace with a sun charm, white beanie, artic camo shorts, black t-shirt with a white diamond in the middle. Happy-go-lucky, optomistic, cheerful. (Like Momiji from Furuba) Yaishi: Same hair sty...

Bithday Shout-Out

I am back and I'm still not done reading yet XP @.@ Well, the time has come for me to actually shout-out to someone. That is my friend David ! Happy Bithday Bitch!! XD XDThird time today I've said that. Which should give him some type of luck. I thanked my muses for telling you guys about SAiNT CRoSS. I am making the crappy Paint Shop cover now and it'll be done it a second. Those three are celebrating with a keg. ...Of grape juice! XD They're still under age people. I wouldn't do that. >.> But anyway, Happy Birthday David. You are now 13 and are going to be old like the rest of us! Bwahaha!! @.@ >.> Alright; Ja Ne peoples! -AK13

Post of Their Own

I'm glad Naomi is letting us have our own post. She was planning on doing this awhile ago, but never got to it. Hey, where is she anyway? Yuki-chan said something about Gravitation. She must be in her room reading. Hold up. Are we talking about the same person? Yeah. Animekitty13 is both Naomi and Yuki. She just has different names. She goes by Naomi, Kasumi, Rei, Yuki, Shintaia, and Lin. These are her RPG names. Wait, Role Playing Games right? -.-" Yes Horokeu. ^_^" Heh, gomen Sasuke. Oh! I remembered something. Happy Late 4th Of July! =^n__n^= Although we did post something on that day. I guess we're lazy. . . .Did you two already forget? >.> Forget what Sasuke? We're suppose to be talking about Yuki's new comic. Oh yeah! Ok. Naomi is making a comic called SAiNT CRoSS . This is about a 14 year-old girl named Saint. Born in England, Saint was brought up by a good family that spent their time helping everyone in trouble, whether they were rich or poor. S...

Muses At Work

Now that I finally remembered what I was going to post, I'm here to tell you I'm have lost/gain/ (and) kept some muses. So, I have Max (Beyblade), Horo (Shaman King), and Sasuke (Naruto). >.> Some of the other originals are elsewhere and are busy. But these three are here to stay! So, who's first? Max? Hello everyone. I'm Mizuhara Max of the Blade Breakers. I'm Naomi's first muse and I'm always by her side. Maxie is the king of sugar ^____^ Not sugar. Candy Land! O.o ^_^" Sorry Max. I forget. But now, how about you say hi Horo? Alright! Hey people, I'm Horokeu Usui, ice shaman. Second muse of Mikazi Naomi's and when she needs help, I'm always there. I'm a great snowboarder and the best. At what HoroHoro? Easy, ba-! *Death glare* Don't call me babe.... ^^" Heh, sorry snow bunny. I was going to say I'm the best at eating. Yeah, that's very true. But now, it's Sasu-kun's turn! Do I really have to do this? *Nod...

Summer Savings

So, it is now summer. That means, Time to make money!! Just because it's hot doesn't mean I can't figure out how to make money for mangas and my cosplay I'm starting to hate Aburame Shino's (Naruto) collar for his Jacket. It's so big!! O.O The temp here is around 80*F today. It was way hot yesterday. Though some people had it bad I just can't wait till fall It's truely the only type of weather I can handle in Idaho . I'm suppose to see my aunt in San Fraciso , CA for a couple weeks. I dunno when, but that means I probably won't be on Gaia Hopefully, there are anime/manga cons going on there so I can look around and buy stuff Um, that should be all. Ja Ne! -AK13

Out for the Summer

Shwee! I'm outta school. We got out around noon. My last final was Biology. Pretty easy, well, some of them were. XD *Sigh* I have to go and design my cosplay. I'm being Aburame Shino from Naruto. One of my friends is entering his Naruto AMV along with an Inuyasha one. The Inu one is funny. There's going to be two other Naruto cosplayers I know. One of my friends is going to me Inuzaku Kiba and the one with the AMVs is going to be Gaara. Um, this is for posting lag XP Ja! -AK13

Testing: 1, 2, ...Evil....

This week, my school has to do test for each period. T.T Testing is mean. I don't like all of the studying we have to do. It really makes my brain hurt. Well, I do get out of school of June 2. n_n Atleast that's something to look forward too. *Sigh* My first test is English than Orchestra. > Umm.... Ja Ne! -AK13

You know what?

I give up! I'm not going to give a flying fuck about Sarah and James's little war. The can slap-fight each other till they're bruised for all I care. ...Ok, my rant is over and I'm going to fix my blog! Ja! -AK13

Samurai Champloo

I am now a Samurai Champloo fan! Meaning I am a ninja and samurai. Though that isn't new. So, ninja-hobo-pirates are trying to kill Foamy.... Well I say, DROP DEAD BITCHES!!! Kill Foamy and tons of Foamers from the FCC (Foamy Card Cult) alond with regular Foamers (Foamy supporters) will kick all of your asses! Man, I'm starting to bitch about stuff in my head. It's NOT healthy for people to do that. I mean, it hurts like hell and you can't remember what you were thinking about before. >. O.O Oh yeah.... I HAVE MONEY BITCHES!!! Wooo Hooo! @.@ ....I need sugar.... It actually calms me down a bit, so I'm not a pyscho like some of my friends ^__^ Ja Ne! -AK13


I just bought the manga GALS! by FUJII Mihona. I've already seen some of the episodes and now it's time o read it! Well, I was at a friend's house for a party and we went to the mall. It was alright. The best thing though was when we rented movies, we watched PeaceMaker Kurogane and now I have two favorite songs from it! The opening theme- 'You Gonna Feel' and the Ending theme- 'Hey Jimmy' I want an MP3 player!! They're mini, easy to handle, and they can go almost anywhere! Unlike an cd player that's can go almost anywhere and has radio. It I can get a MP3 player with radio, that'll make my day soo much! Muse report: My muses are living at my school. I never see them around my house as often now. Except for Horo and Max. Horo actually enjoys the weekend while Max is outside doing nature stuff. Unlike the bookworms I have... Yoh was dragged into doing it. Well, that's all I have to post about today. Oh! There's one more thing. For Inu-Yash...

It's been awhile....

Yes, I know I haven't posted in awhile. But I've been busy and....Oh who cares! Look, to make up for lost time, I'll just tell you which manga titles I own. FLCL Vol.1- 2 Jing: King of Bandits Vol.1 GunParade March Vol.1 Peacemaker Kurogane Vol.1- 2 Pita- Ten Vol.2, 6 Samurai Deeper Kyo Vol.1 Naruto Vol.2- 3, 5 Negima Vol.1 Well, there ya have it. I'm trying to get more anyway since I probably need to. Ok, I gotta go. Ja! -AK13


My birthday is soon (Tomorrow) and my muses are on some holiday. I really dunno about them. They just go somewhere and tell me when they come back about a week later. So, it's going to be quiet for awhile while they're gone. Hope they come back soon tomorrow! Ja! -AK13

Got one!

So, I got Horo back! It's a very long and fucked up story that I don't want to write. It included Hiei, Kurama (They are my guardians), Len, Horokeu Usui, Horo clone, a mirror, my friend, her dog, and me! Horo is sleeping currently. Getting his strength back and such. Hiei and Kurama are back in Spirit World helping Koemma (Sp?), Len is ....I think he was sleeping or something. I saw him this morning though. The ebil clone is locked away in the mirror and I am very happy to have my Horo back with me. If you want to ask how we got the right Horokeu, I did it, with help from Len, and I'm not going to explain how. *Sigh* Now I have to add a tracking system to all of my muses and make sure it's up to date. Ja! -AK13

Rants and Then Some

I'm reading the Second Naruto while typing. It's pretty good and there's a new character. Today I thought I lost another muse. But it was like a giant hide-and-seek game. Still...I miss Horo. T___T If he doesn't come back I'm going to look for him with government technology. It's just bothering me that he left with out saying much. Well, that is Horo for you. A blue-haired bouncy ball of emotions... True. But he better repay me. I still don't think it takees long to use money. Unless you have piles of it and you don't know where to start. I guess. Len, you know what I want right now? No, what is it? Stuff that has pictures of Sasuke! Or Sasuke based things! n___n You've been reading too much Naruto now. Want me to take the book back? No! I'm still reading. Fine, if you need me I'll be upstairs in the kitchen. Ok. See, I'm at my aunt and uncle's house. They have and up and downstairs. My house doesn't. I'm just here for the bre...

Move: From Xanga to Blogger and still in the Middle

I origanally used as a Blog. If you want to check out what I posted, here's the link: An if you hear something, that's just one of my favorite songs. Wonderwall by Oasis. n_______n It's very good. Also, I would like to introduce my muses. All of them are from Shaman King and Beyblade. There's Max, Rei, Horo, Len, and Yoh . Max and Rei are in Japan, Yoh is on Anna's leash, Horo is out somewhere, and Len is with me. He's sleeping. If you haven't watched these shows then look around Google for pics. My muses are only here. Not Xanga. Ja! -AK13

Bloggy Blog Blog

So, another blog site for myself with more people to bother! So, name's animekitty13. Nick names are: Anime, kitty, animekitty, AK. I have other friends here and they don't know I have a blog. >.> sneaky aren't we? Well, hope I enjoy and hope others enjoy my post! Ja!