Bithday Shout-Out
I am back and I'm still not done reading yet XP @.@ Well, the time has come for me to actually shout-out to someone. That is my friend David! Happy Bithday Bitch!! XD XDThird time today I've said that. Which should give him some type of luck.
I thanked my muses for telling you guys about SAiNT CRoSS. I am making the crappy Paint Shop cover now and it'll be done it a second. Those three are celebrating with a keg. ...Of grape juice! XD They're still under age people. I wouldn't do that. >.>
But anyway, Happy Birthday David. You are now 13 and are going to be old like the rest of us! Bwahaha!! @.@ >.>
Alright; Ja Ne peoples!
I thanked my muses for telling you guys about SAiNT CRoSS. I am making the crappy Paint Shop cover now and it'll be done it a second. Those three are celebrating with a keg. ...Of grape juice! XD They're still under age people. I wouldn't do that. >.>
But anyway, Happy Birthday David. You are now 13 and are going to be old like the rest of us! Bwahaha!! @.@ >.>
Alright; Ja Ne peoples!