
Showing posts from 2008

For More of Me~ ;3

For more the of amazing me xD Please go to: [ LJ Link ] Thank you ;3 - Enski

:3 Meh first Pinky~

(And all of my other stuff from eBay has came too :D Ace is currently on my phone now I got freaked out while pulling him apart o___o" I thought something was gonna break >w DDD: And then his hair!!! x__x Gawd, I thought I did something wrong... OOO: But something that I really want to do (After looking around the forums) is make him a shark to stand on so he can travel the Fang Road in style 8D XD For Akito, I want to make something that reflects Ikki X333 Jeebus he's adorable~! :O I also want a clothing set so he has more stuff 8D >___ :DDD D: That'd be hawt (No pun intended for Spitfire and Kazu ">>) He's next to me right now, in his boxy :3 D: And there are kids around me, so I don't want them putting their dirty mitts on 'im D: Our adventure continues~! - Enski

I ish teh EVA-full~!

D: He's soo freaking adorable... He can destroy my mental state by love any day >> XDD Now I have two pieces of merch with Kaworu-sama :D The Platinum DVD and the phone charm. (I've seen a picture of a sitting plush of him sitting down o.o" It's too cute. ...I want it >:D) :3 Now I just have to wait for Akito/Agito and Ace. ...And probably get yelled at for spending soo much money after getting them XD" To be continued! - Enski

I am one happy camper~

Things have been going well for me this week :3 I ordered some stuff online (Anime related, of course), read a doujin and updated fanfic, and I haven't worked on a single fanfiction of mine like I planned to XD (What's funny is that I have to get to work in about 8hrs XD) =/ So, I need to get my ass in gear about fanfics and fanart so I don't get pissed at myself later. Plus I need to start playing tennis so I can be a BIT active this summer ">> D: Well, I need my rest. Late. - Enski

It's My Birthday~!

:D Yeppers! 16 year-old Enski here. Don't really feel any different =/ And I spent the day playing tennis from 8:15am till around 5pm. It was cold >w But I'll try to enjoy my day! (:3 I ate cookies~ XD) Late. - Enski


I haven't had my regular PC for a couple weeks, it's 'under repairs'- so to say. But I'm borrowing a laptop, so it's not that bad. ... Well, other than not being able to play Trickster Online, sending newsletters, and checking my usual sites, everything's been pretty okay. (I seriously want my PC back, dang it.... D: =/ Other than that, I've been pretty okay. My state's anime convention, Anime Oasis, is coming up in a couple of weeks and I haven't started my cosplay. I'm trying to be a Pokemon Ranger, but I don't really know how to go through the cosplaying process. (This'll be my first cosplay.) Er, that's about it... D: Late. - Enski

x___x It's been Fo'evah~

T__T It's been a long time~ So, happy New Year And sorry for lack of updates... I've been busy, and forgetful. >__ D: When I think about it I'll post here again~* - Enski