:3 Meh first Pinky~

<33 My Agito Pinky.st character came yesterday~~! D: He's so freaking awesome.
(And all of my other stuff from eBay has came too :D Ace is currently on my phone now <3)

I got freaked out while pulling him apart o___o" I thought something was gonna break >w<
DDD: And then his hair!!! x__x Gawd, I thought I did something wrong...
<3 But he's cool (Along with Akito)

OOO: But something that I really want to do (After looking around the Pink.st forums) is make him a shark to stand on so he can travel the Fang Road in style 8D XD For Akito, I want to make something that reflects Ikki <3 X3 Either a small doll (Like Rei Ayanami's Shinji) or a little crow.

X333 Jeebus he's adorable~! :O I also want a clothing set so he has more stuff 8D
D: That'd be hawt (No pun intended for Spitfire and Kazu ">>)

He's next to me right now, in his boxy :3 D: And there are kids around me, so I don't want them putting their dirty mitts on 'im D:<
Our adventure continues~!

- Enski
