
Showing posts from August, 2009

New Companies, New Heads

** Dolls (Saving Up) ** 1) SOOM MD Alk Atrophy @ ~500$ 2) KDM Pado & Suntan Pado Kit Almeno & Rovena @ ~800$ == A new company called Angelheim just opened :D They're first doll looks very beautiful and I can't wait for them to get all ready. It should be about a week or so for them to completely set up ^_^ K-Doll is about to release a new head *w* I'm very interested in this one because when I first saw photos of it, I instantly knew who this doll was going to be XDD He'll be part of Star's group and be the 'fraidy-cat. I'm thinking of naming him Ellion :] But I'll have to find a body for him ^^" SO I was thinking of a Luts NS? So with Angelheim's 'Zion' and K-Doll's '[JL]' coming out fairly soon, I don't know what I'm going to have money for XDD (A small part of me hopes that the Soom Oct. MDs don't look cute >: So then I can have some money XD) But I'll try to, um, stay wi...

PukiPuki Beyblade?

** Dolls (Saving Up) ** 1) SOOM MD Alk 'Atrophy' @ ~500$ 2) KDM Pado & Suntan Pado Kit 'Almeno & Rovena' @ ~800$ ===   I was talking with a friend of mine (KaikazePanda) and we were discussing pukipukis from FairyLand. She's wanting to get a pukipuki as her first doll :3 And as we kept talking I looked at one of the dolls and told her I'd want freckles for him. And whenever I think of freckles, I think of Max Mizuhara from Beyblade XD (I don't know, my thought process is odd.) So then I wondered, 'What other Beyblade characters could I make from pukipukis?' *____* And after a bit of looking I've decided what pukipukis correspond with a BladeBreaker/G-Revolution member XD :: Chichi - Kai Cupid2 - Tyson Pongpong - Max Chuchu - Kenny Lily - Rei Pukisha - Daichi  (Daichi's took the longest to figure out =___=" Too bad FairyLand doesn't make monkey faces XDD) So now if I ever want to do a large- er tiny?, doll pr...

Dollie Plans

.__. I saw the new tinies (The wait totally killed my sleeping pattern) & they're pretty cute. But I'm so glad that they didn't have birdy feet XDD Someone on the DoA boards was talking about how cool it'd be if this were the Euclase/Topaz set. And if it were then this would have been the first time I was in debt XD I'm glad I have until October. For the most part I'm really excited for the new set in October, but I'm loathing it at the same time. If they're what I'm expecting then Alk is MINE . If not, then I have money saved for my KDM boys. ...But I really want to name a doll Atrophy and a tiny!Euclase would be perfect DDD: So I'm going to be saving up a majority of my checks and putting those into my savings account/doll fund. I'm assuming that I'll be getting 300+ on a check, so if there's no convention that month then all of it will go in. If there is then I'll set aside 100$ for the con (They usually don't cost much...

Will.. Not... Be... SOOM'd

D: I have a plan... I will stick with it. I will not be swayed by SOOM. AT ALL. ...B-But they have new tinies. A-And then next they'll have a baby!Euclase. &&& HOLY CRAP TINY BIRDY FEETS!!! 8DD *Wants* =___= I'll think I'll put the Pado Twins on hold and prepared to be SOOM'd. And if I don't like Alk & Yrie (October MDs) then I know I have money saved for my boys ^^ Buuut~ if the baby!Euclase (Alk, I'm hoping) is adorable and I buy him, I want to name him Atrophy D: ' 8D *Gushes* And now I just had a thought of ~ if anyone is selling the Glot/Glati horns, I want to see is they look good on Alk XD I think it'd be cool. Then if he has magnetic wings for his head, he'll be SUPER AWESOME! So here's about 500$ going to SOOM in the future if I like the future MDs (Which I probably will.) I always thought I'd just be getting the eyes... :'D - Enski

Rewind, Start Anew

.___. So the Pado Twins have official names now. They decided to tell me last night. Original Pado 'Armel' is now ALMENO ZARUS (all-MEN-o CZAR-us) Suntan Pado 'Faris' is now ROVENHA/ROVENA CELLO (row-ven-UH SELL-oh) (They can be called 'Al' & 'Ro' for short, but they won't like it.) Almeno decided to mess with me and told me that he was 'Almeno Zarus III' (The 3rd.) I told his that he was being a modern prince so I was pretty sure he wasn't the third of anyone XD But now I hope I can get to learn about them more. They're very interesting characters. *Star Update: All of Star's 'friends'(minions) all have colour related names... I don't know how or why, but they do. And I can't really say anything otherwise. - Enski -Has been edited-


I've been working on Star and his story so much that... I can't get him as my first doll XD I'd have to buy his friend Grey (Little Monica Kliff) with him or something :X I just like making things complicated for myself. So instead I'm going to be getting my Pado Twins -- Kid Dollmore Pado Armel & Kid Dollmore Suntan Pado Faris . They don't really have a developed story, but I really like their interaction with each other. It's... not a romance, but could be considered one o_o" But they're not related, I think... I'm sorry, I don't know how they work yet DDD: But I think they're something of a modern prince and his knight. Faris is always with Armel and Armel usually wants Faris in his company (Or within a 10ft radius of him). Now I just... Have to figure out if they're related or not .__." Not that it matters, since I'm still going to call them the 'Pado Twins' anyway XD I started a Starter Kit for them, and it mai...