Dollie Plans

.__. I saw the new tinies (The wait totally killed my sleeping pattern) & they're pretty cute.
But I'm so glad that they didn't have birdy feet XDD Someone on the DoA boards was talking about how cool it'd be if this were the Euclase/Topaz set. And if it were then this would have been the first time I was in debt XD I'm glad I have until October.

For the most part I'm really excited for the new set in October, but I'm loathing it at the same time. If they're what I'm expecting then Alk is MINE. If not, then I have money saved for my KDM boys. ...But I really want to name a doll Atrophy and a tiny!Euclase would be perfect DDD:

So I'm going to be saving up a majority of my checks and putting those into my savings account/doll fund. I'm assuming that I'll be getting 300+ on a check, so if there's no convention that month then all of it will go in. If there is then I'll set aside 100$ for the con (They usually don't cost much ^^").

Dolls (Saving Up)

1) SOOM MD Alk 'Atrophy' @ ~500$ <- Layaway will probably be my friend <3
2) KDM Pado & Suntan Pado Kit @ ~800$

- Enski
