Dangit, Marketplace D:

As much as I love you, you're making me sidetrack my doll plans :/

Yes, I know I have Dollzone dolls on my list. And I also know that there are some in the MP.

But I have to stay focused on what I want >__<)"

And don't get me started on the Crobidoll Nia I saw DD;

What would really help is a doll that could fit this blond fur wig I saw XDD
Or~ The sales post to the SAY Vampire head ;w;)" 'Cause he's way past cute...


You know what? I want them D: I will now not deny my want of a Crobi Nia (Or anything from Crobidoll 8D") and Astral in Rainbow SAY Vampire. ...I just don't know how I'm going to get the vamp head :'D *Begs to marketplace gods*

(And I think I'm not going to get an MSD anytime soon e3e)" )

But I have Halloween to prep for @__@)"

- Enski
