Resin Matching is a Betch


It's taken me about... hopefully not ~2hrs to learn that a Shiwoo head I'm looking at might be from the 05/06 CP Delf batch. Christ in a hand-basket, that was annoying D: But at least I get to focus on finding a body for Jupiter. (I think)

You haven't even bought the doll head yet. What the hell?

:3 I liek to plan things out sometimes.

I think I'm going to go with a Fantasy Doll body? Just have to see what it looks like in NS (Because practically everyone has a WS body for a Delf head D: ) Or a Bobobie body :/ Honestly, I might just buy the full doll from Luts and call it done.

But noooo~ Enski is a total cheap-o and is going to get all of her dolls from the Marketplace.

8D" Not like I mean to be, but the Marketplace is addicting. It's like the best thing since. ...Um... You know, that one thing with the... stuff and junk? Yeah. That.

...And now it's taken another ~3- 4hrs to get around to possibly finding a body and failing 8DD" But! I think I'm going to go with a Souldoll Double for him :3 That should hopefully work. (And I can hopefully buy one from the Marketplace >8D)

It's times like this where I hate researching. :'D

- Enski
