...I Caved D:
FFFF- I hate myself.
I'm getting a LadySaiyuki Wolfram next month ;__;) Omg, he's so cute.
So that's... Shi'ya, LS Wolfram, and if I can get my mom in on it, layaway for Dez. Because I'd just need her to spot me for the first payment and then I'm set.
Oh my gawd, what am I doing |D"
I kept staring at him... And staring, and staring, and then he turned really, really cute and I just broke =3=) So... yeah. He's coming everywhere with me, now. ...He stole Ton's job XD
But Ton is just going to be my smexy model boi, now XDD"
I will never use Ton and smexy in the same sentence. Ever again.
I'm not allowed to name him 'til he gets here, but wigs and eyes are another thing >:3 So I need to find money for his wig, eyes, ...Icara's eyes, and then make him some clothes :D Oh, and buy eye putty and some string-pulley-thing (It's on the Soon site, but I can probably get it for less than 11$ >w> )
Other than that, that's my month of February :D Let's hope for less money problems in the future, yeah!
- Enski
I'm getting a LadySaiyuki Wolfram next month ;__;) Omg, he's so cute.
So that's... Shi'ya, LS Wolfram, and if I can get my mom in on it, layaway for Dez. Because I'd just need her to spot me for the first payment and then I'm set.
Oh my gawd, what am I doing |D"
I kept staring at him... And staring, and staring, and then he turned really, really cute and I just broke =3=) So... yeah. He's coming everywhere with me, now. ...He stole Ton's job XD
But Ton is just going to be my smexy model boi, now XDD"
I will never use Ton and smexy in the same sentence. Ever again.
I'm not allowed to name him 'til he gets here, but wigs and eyes are another thing >:3 So I need to find money for his wig, eyes, ...Icara's eyes, and then make him some clothes :D Oh, and buy eye putty and some string-pulley-thing (It's on the Soon site, but I can probably get it for less than 11$ >w> )
Other than that, that's my month of February :D Let's hope for less money problems in the future, yeah!
- Enski