Dolly Debate
There's a 'Dolly Debate' sub-forum on Den of Angels that, well, has a lot of debate topics XD" I would really like to post there (I think I have, once or twice) but I'm shy :x Even though I'm sure no one would see my post. So I'm going to post my responses here :DD
(There are probably some threads from the General Discussion I wanted to comment on, too, but I'm too lazy to search for them ^^")
1) Dolly Cross-Dressing.
a] Is it unethical/wrong to picture "underage" (that means 21 for me) dolls cross-dressing?
Personally, I don't think it is. But I also look at the specific age and what the character knows/doesn't know. I mean, I plan on having a 16yr old cross-dressing boy doll in the future and he does so because it's part of his 'profession' (Ton practices in extortion.) Since girl-ish looks get him more money, he's incorporated that into his fashion sense. (He also wore sailor suits as a kid XD" So not sure if those affected/effected(?) him, too.) I also have another character who's younger than 10 that slightly cross-dresses. This is a style gained by his mother-figure who wears loose and/or feminine clothing. So this character (Venny) wears clothing that might hang from the hips/waist/shoulders, girl & boy school uniforms, and lightly coloured kimonos.
Both of their styles differ - Ton is more edgey & risque while Venny is more conservative with his clothing. But they both know what they're wearing and accept it. It's not like some tween-aged character who is being forced to wear (excuse the term) slut-wear and doesn't know any better. (But if this is what the owner is going for, more power to them :o I don't wanna judge 'em.)
b] When cross dressing how far does one go? Does one leave it to feminine clothing/face-up? Or does one go all the way?
b] When cross dressing how far does one go? Does one leave it to feminine clothing/face-up? Or does one go all the way?
I would leave it to clothing and face-up. Ton, mainly just wears girls' clothes, but sometimes when he's out around town, he might put on make-up. And by all the way, I'm assuming bra-stuffing? XD" Sorry, but that's what comes to my mind and it's something I would not do.
c] Is it wrong to post pictures of your cross-dresser(s)?
I don't think so. As long your (potential) audience is informed.
2) Selling/Buying a "Character" Along With A Doll
I'm okay with 'buying' the character. That's sort of what I did with Tep. But that's because he was displayed in a way while being sold that- in a sense, made me do that. It's one thing if the seller just says 'This is a ___ mold I want to sell' and another if they say 'I'm selling ___, who is a ___ mold from XYZ Company.' It's things like that that make me go 'Oh crap, I couldn't rename/re-character that doll even if I tried.' And since Tep was presented to me in such a way, I kept some of his characteristics with him. I sort of altered his name (Dropped a letter), kept his profession, some characteristics, and that's about it. But if the original owner doesn't want me to do that anymore then I'll stop.
3) How Important To You Is It That Your Doll Is Absolutely Unique?
How important to you is it that your doll be absolutely unique? Why?
Not too important :/ As long as someone doesn't say 'Wow! You're doll is just like so&so's doll, ___!' Then I have to stop what I'm doing, investigate this other person, and re-think my dolls x__x
4) The Snowball Effect: Does it happen to EVERYONE?
Is this hobby, a collector's hobby by all respects, a hobby where it is impossible to stop at just one?
I don't think that the Snowball effect happens to everyone, but if you take this hobby like a collector, you're going to be collecting a lot. I basically started on a moderately sized snowball when I began this hobby, wanting three dolls XD"
5) Controversial Doll Stories?
Who decides what you should or should not do with a doll story? Why do you think they think that? Where is the line drawn between morally "right" and "wrong"? And what makes something "controversial"?
(The actually thread starts off a little rocky, but I'll try to answer as best as I can.)
I'm all for controversial/taboo stories, but other people may not be. The owner is free to do what they want, but they have to keep in mind any rules/regulations on the places that they're posting. Like myself, for instance, I have a story that deals with shota-con/young+older male themes (It's one instance of sexual interactions with a minor and the rest is that minor flirting with an adult(s)) but those cannot be posted on Den of Angels, deviantArt (If I'm correct they're anti-shotacon/lolicon) and Controversial Doll. And I'm okay with that, because I don't have to present those pictures there, I could just as easily make a personal site for that.
TL;DR :: Owner > Viewer, and if it even reeks a little bit of controversy, then slap a warning on it c:
None of my dolls are a secret :] ...Except for one that I didn't plan on getting XD" But she'll be seen eventually, so I'll just keep cool and say I've been planning on getting her. She'd only be a secret to my nuclear fam (Aka, my mom and grandma |D" ) Because I usually tend to keep them in a slight know of my doll spending (Actually, my grandma > mom. Mom isn't around much, so she doesn't really know how many I have unless we're both home and I have them out to sew clothes 8D Grandma has a general knowledge 'cause I use her Paypal to snag these guys <3)
But I'd only keep my dolls a secret if I didn't have a friend who really didn't like them. I have friends who aren't keen on dolls, but don't give me a hard time about it. But if I knew someone who would try to damage them o__o Yeah. Mondo secret.
Though I'd probably litter my house with all of my dolls in random places just to piss 'em off >:3 & if they tried to harm them~ Ohohoho~! >8D
:c Yeah, not a fan. It works for other dolls, but I don't want it on mine. Makes me not want to play with them.
-What draws you to wanting gay dolls?
-Do your doll/s cause controversy within your family? If not to they accept it or have you just not told them?
-Are there certain sculpts that tend to demand to be gay or do you choose all on your own?
-Do your dolls reflect something in yourself or is their sexuality completely dependent?
-Do you feel the need to give your doll a partner? If so, do you wish to buy (or already have bought) him/her, or do you find another doll owner whose doll is also gay or bi to hook up with?
-Did any of your dolls end up being gay even if it was not intended or against your beliefs?
-Are there any people you do not feel comfortable with sharing his/her sexuality with?
-Is your doll gay simply because you are and straight just doesn't appeal to you?
-Does your doll have no sexual preference because they just dont, as is the case with some people, or is it your choice?
-Would it make you feel weird giving your doll a sexuality, since it's just a doll or is there another reason?
-Does your doll have no sexuality because you don't want to give friends and families the wrong impression?
-Does your doll have no sexuality because you live in a house with young children or are young yourself?
-Is your doll asexual due to your religious beliefs of any kind? Nope.
TL;DR :: Owner > Viewer, and if it even reeks a little bit of controversy, then slap a warning on it c:
6) Keeping Dolls A Secret?
Is there ever a reason you've wanted to keep your new doll a secret? To avoid scrutiny, or a negative response from a friend, or simply because you didn't want to be marked as weird? Would you even bother?
None of my dolls are a secret :] ...Except for one that I didn't plan on getting XD" But she'll be seen eventually, so I'll just keep cool and say I've been planning on getting her. She'd only be a secret to my nuclear fam (Aka, my mom and grandma |D" ) Because I usually tend to keep them in a slight know of my doll spending (Actually, my grandma > mom. Mom isn't around much, so she doesn't really know how many I have unless we're both home and I have them out to sew clothes 8D Grandma has a general knowledge 'cause I use her Paypal to snag these guys <3)
But I'd only keep my dolls a secret if I didn't have a friend who really didn't like them. I have friends who aren't keen on dolls, but don't give me a hard time about it. But if I knew someone who would try to damage them o__o Yeah. Mondo secret.
7) To Girls That Own Boys, Do You Feel... Shy?
Do you girls feel embarrassed while changing your boy's clothes?
Nope, not shy at all. Embarrassed if my guys are lacking pants and are out in the living room with me? Totally. But if I'm clothing them, then no. (Granted, we don't exactly have clothes for everyone yet...)
But on the other hand, I sort of do for my girl. I haven't really changed her much, but I still have this feeling of 'Oh crap, when I get this, I'll have to change Benny~!' It might be because she's my only girl, or that she's currently in a skirt (bloomers, ftw), or that she has a bigger chest than me XD" But I'd feel more shy about her than my male dolls.
Has anyone else ever opened a doll and hated it upon first sight?
=___= ugghh, yes. When I got Dez, sadly. (I hope when I get Vergil (B&G Freya-Boy) I won't feel like that again.)
Totally felt let down.
Did you opinion change after a few minutes?
Oh yeah. Even though his body and height weren't what I expected (I was hoping that he'd be even with Rumore) I got use to him :) ...But not his body blushing.
Do you feel bad about it now, or not? Explain.
|D" Y-Yeah~ My own interpretation of the sculpt overtook how I should have truly felt about him one-on-one when he arrived. He's a sweet-looking mold and I'm glad to have him <3
11) Blushing, Yes or No?
But on the other hand, I sort of do for my girl. I haven't really changed her much, but I still have this feeling of 'Oh crap, when I get this, I'll have to change Benny~!' It might be because she's my only girl, or that she's currently in a skirt (bloomers, ftw), or that she has a bigger chest than me XD" But I'd feel more shy about her than my male dolls.
8) When is it Alright to Accuse Someone of Your Doll/Someone Else's Doll?
Does it have to be just in eyes, wig, and make-up, or is it when their doll is dressed completely like yours, just with a different name? Then there's the question of whose is the original, if they were purchased around the same time...
I think that when it comes to pointing fingers and saying that someone is a copycat, it can't really be little things like 'Oh, our dolls have the same jacket, shoes, and eyes; You must be copying my doll!' You have to take coincidences into account.
But really, if someone is using your dolls or maybe information about your dolls/photos as a reference (Maybe they're looking for a wig, or an accessory that your doll has? Or maybe they're looking for a doll that poses like yours? Or if they're a fan of its modifications?) than I don't find it to be copying, especially if they include somewhere 'Thanks to -username- for helping me find these things!' But if you weren't notified about them looking into your doll's 'specifications' and then one day you stumble onto a post of a doll that looks exactly like your own and find that... It really isn't? Then I feel that you should talk to that owner and come to an understanding with them.
If you are one that finds a doll that looks to be a copy of someone else's, I think you should heed with caution in telling the original owner about it. Don't declare that you found someone copying their doll and they should be put to a stop, but maybe something like 'I found a picture that looks like it has your doll, ___, in it, but I don't recognize this as your username.' And then await a confirmation from that person.
I'd also like to say that since some people buy dolls second hand, and sometimes not only is the doll sold, but so are some clothes, wigs, eyes, etc. along with it. And maybe it's a doll that was popular online. Now it's in someone else's possession and they take pictures of it with those items and someone happens to call them a copier. This is probably far more easier to handle, since both parties (Seller & Buyer) can vouch that the transaction took place and now it's under new ownership and is a different character (Unless the character was 'sold' as well.)
9) Touching Your Own Doll's Face
Lots of threads about having strangers touch your doll's face, but what about your own? Do you do it? Do you think they're durable enough to withstand a little face touching?
I try to avoid the 'major' face-up areas on my dolls who do have face-up. For my dolls that are still blank, I make sure not to touch their faces too much, but they're more or less free range. I want to do my own face-ups but for now I'll have to send dolls out (When I work up the nerve.)
10) Have You Ever Opened a Doll and Hated It?
(This is a bit copied&pasted from my post on that thread. But more... Enski-ness added to it |D" )
=___= ugghh, yes. When I got Dez, sadly. (I hope when I get Vergil (B&G Freya-Boy) I won't feel like that again.)
Totally felt let down.
Did you opinion change after a few minutes?
Oh yeah. Even though his body and height weren't what I expected (I was hoping that he'd be even with Rumore) I got use to him :) ...But not his body blushing.
Do you feel bad about it now, or not? Explain.
|D" Y-Yeah~ My own interpretation of the sculpt overtook how I should have truly felt about him one-on-one when he arrived. He's a sweet-looking mold and I'm glad to have him <3
11) Blushing, Yes or No?
Do you prefer your dolls to have body blushing, or just their own skin, as it were?
:c Yeah, not a fan. It works for other dolls, but I don't want it on mine. Makes me not want to play with them.
12) Reasons For Doll's Sexuality
For those with Gay dolls
-Did you know your doll was going to be gay when you bought him/her?
-Did you know your doll was going to be gay when you bought him/her?
I'll usually decide that beforehand. As I browse for potential dolls to buy, I develop their character.
-What draws you to wanting gay dolls?
I am into the slash/BL/yaoi fandom (or would it be genre?). So there's the potential for my dolls to be homosexual.
-Do your doll/s cause controversy within your family? If not to they accept it or have you just not told them?
My family doesn't know that I'm into slash, but I probably wouldn't say 'Oh yeah, by the way this one's gay.' I'd probably tell them that they're best buds or something. But I also don't have any dolls here, currently, that are gay. I haven't gotten around to buying them.
-Are there certain sculpts that tend to demand to be gay or do you choose all on your own?
I'm hoping I'm choosing on my own XD" But I think I would say that the Luts Shiwoo sculpt 'demands' to be gay.
-Do your dolls reflect something in yourself or is their sexuality completely dependent?
They probably reflect my want to be in a relationship, how I want to be more masculine (but also a fluff ball), and my interest in homosexual couples. ...Maybe.
-Do you feel the need to give your doll a partner? If so, do you wish to buy (or already have bought) him/her, or do you find another doll owner whose doll is also gay or bi to hook up with?
Can't have one without the other ;) And I'd rather buy their partner myself than have them hook-up with another owner's doll. It's not bad, but it is a bit 'risky,' and I'm a chicken |D"
-Did any of your dolls end up being gay even if it was not intended or against your beliefs?
Yes, kind of. I was thinking about cross dressing a character of mine and seeing how his friend/guard would act. So he started acting more lovey-dovey towards him ^^" But I kicked the idea because it didn't feel right to me. As a gag, yes. But a true part of their character? No, no.
-Are there any people you do not feel comfortable with sharing his/her sexuality with?
Yes, so I'm not going to tell them.
-Is your doll gay simply because you are and straight just doesn't appeal to you?
Hetero couples don't really appeal to me (I blame past shoujo manga that I've read ^^"), but I'm straight.
For those whose dolls have no sexuality
-Why did you choose to not give them a sexual preference?
-Why did you choose to not give them a sexual preference?
Because it would be weird to see them dating.
-Does your doll have no sexual preference because they just dont, as is the case with some people, or is it your choice?
Um, a bit of both? It is my choice if I want my doll/character to be in a relationship, but if they don't look like the type to be dating/in love/etc. then I won't force it.
-Would it make you feel weird giving your doll a sexuality, since it's just a doll or is there another reason?
If people can pair/ship numbers, letters, and even Tetris blocks, then I think a doll can have a sexual preference as well.
-Does your doll have no sexuality because you don't want to give friends and families the wrong impression?
Nope. I just can't see that doll having a significant other. If I wanted to hide it from family and friends, I'd just make sure to pose them in a way that doesn't make them think about it.
-Does your doll have no sexuality because you live in a house with young children or are young yourself?
Um, double yes? I have a little brother starting elementary school and I'm about to start university. (...Oh wait, is this regarding influencing young children at an early age with sexuality and stuff? o_o)
-Is your doll asexual due to your religious beliefs of any kind?
- Enski