Ups and Downs

Sadly, the wig that I wanted for Icara has been traded :[ Got caught off guard by that, but it just means that I have to keep looking. But on the plus side, Venny arrived yesterday <3 I took some opening pictures and him, Rumore, and Dez played with some Medabots :D They look really cute with them.

But maan~ Do I rage at his current wig XD It's a really nice long, black wig, but I don't think I can tame it. Thankfully, he's a blonde |D So new wig hunting is a go~! (Along with eyes... I forgot that he's suppose to have steel-grey eyes instead of a peach/pink colour, but I have him in a nice green pair.) Ah, I have to get him his little antlers, too.

Should be working today, so hopefully it helps with my August pay-cheque. I think I have a lot pinned on it (Purchases, re-payments, layaways) so hopefully I can score big from it *Guts!*

- Enski

PS - Loving the new blog layout <333 I'll need to revamp my LJ and other web niches as well.
