<3 My big suited 'demon' came today. Boston's here, completing the trifecta with D.Hawkins and Shi'ya Devil. I'll have to create something for them so their characters are explained better :c But these guys (Not characters, think at a scale of imaginary friends or spirits) are really important to me, so I'm glad to give them a form.
Now... how to make a gauze mask for an SD |D"
Paypal still hasn't dropped change in my checking :/ Which I hope they do soon so I can buy Tiresias (and the scarred arm he came with. ...It's for a friend! D: *Will make ends meet*) Now that I think about it, both him and Boston will need a good face-up removal & bath :< I hope I have the right stuff to do that.
e___e Speaking of Boston (again, lulz), his eye-wells are big .__. I know I need putty still, but I was holding his eyes in and they looked small. Might just be me, though.
DDDD: Need to finalize dolly things~! *flail*
- Enski
Now... how to make a gauze mask for an SD |D"
Paypal still hasn't dropped change in my checking :/ Which I hope they do soon so I can buy Tiresias (and the scarred arm he came with. ...It's for a friend! D: *Will make ends meet*) Now that I think about it, both him and Boston will need a good face-up removal & bath :< I hope I have the right stuff to do that.
e___e Speaking of Boston (again, lulz), his eye-wells are big .__. I know I need putty still, but I was holding his eyes in and they looked small. Might just be me, though.
DDDD: Need to finalize dolly things~! *flail*
- Enski