Bobobie, Ho!
:< I am going to end up getting two Bobobie/Resinsoul (Depending on which body I end up like more) boys because of my friend Kerr. She's planning on getting a WS Song and I told her that I had wanted a Lt.Tan/Coffee Tony. So we planned to get them and make them BFs >:D
...Then I started hunting for Songs and I really like them in the Lt.Tan/Coffee skin too .________.
May I introduce Ashton and Zeitton! :'D
ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff----- whydoidothis???
They're forest folk, for the most part. Zei is... more or less crazy while Ash would like to be a normal person. I think they'd be lulz <3
uuggghhhhh, I need to find some money :c
Oh, I also destroyed my wish/complete list. It makes 24 dolls now c':
- Enski
...Then I started hunting for Songs and I really like them in the Lt.Tan/Coffee skin too .________.
May I introduce Ashton and Zeitton! :'D
ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff----- whydoidothis???
They're forest folk, for the most part. Zei is... more or less crazy while Ash would like to be a normal person. I think they'd be lulz <3
uuggghhhhh, I need to find some money :c
Oh, I also destroyed my wish/complete list. It makes 24 dolls now c':
- Enski