
I think the only Pullip dolls I want are Souseiseki, Taeyang Kain, and Dal Tezca. I would like the other four Taeyangs I thought up characters for but I think I'll be fine with three. Plus I still want boy bodies for Souseiseki and Tezca XD I still need to figure out what male body to use with a Pullip to still make it shorter than a Tae.

There was a complication with one of my friend's gifts, but it's been resolved and it shall be re-sent tomorrow with hopefully more goodies~! I also have to check back with a few more sellers for shipping prices and pictures.

I have a feeling that I'm going to try to buy some Pullip dolls next month, even though that's not in my plans :< I'm trying my best to see this through and not be selfish.
I also need to figure out what I'm getting my best amigo for Christmas ;-; A DS, paid livejournal accout, or something Star Trek related. I can't pick one.
