this is the more unedited version of a forum post. i don't wanna offend...
There's a thread on Pullip Fiction asking how people got interested in Pullips. I'm trying to be as brief and general as possible but it sort of got me thinking about it.
Before (And still) I had a large fear of Blythes. Their eyes and proportions were... very unappealing to me and I tried to avoid any eye contact with them in pictures. I'm pretty sure that on my surprise viewings of them, I must have ran into a Pullip or two. But me being me, I didn't stick around too long to find out.
I think as I got more interested in figures and BJDs, I saw more Blythes and Pullips. I learned the visual difference between the two and now I can say "Oh gawd, not a Blythe" instead of "Must avoid Blythes or Pullips or whatever they're called..."
And since Pullips also have male counterparts, I instantly liked Taeyang (I'm not a fan of Namu :< ). I wasn't too use to the head sculpt yet, but I liked them more than Pullips. |D" I think I started liking them even more once I learned about Hujoo Wings.
Now I'm pretty cool with them. :) I hope I can get the Pullips I want and bring to life more characters. Good thing I decided to look into this part of the doll hobby, too! X3
Before (And still) I had a large fear of Blythes. Their eyes and proportions were... very unappealing to me and I tried to avoid any eye contact with them in pictures. I'm pretty sure that on my surprise viewings of them, I must have ran into a Pullip or two. But me being me, I didn't stick around too long to find out.
I think as I got more interested in figures and BJDs, I saw more Blythes and Pullips. I learned the visual difference between the two and now I can say "Oh gawd, not a Blythe" instead of "Must avoid Blythes or Pullips or whatever they're called..."
And since Pullips also have male counterparts, I instantly liked Taeyang (I'm not a fan of Namu :< ). I wasn't too use to the head sculpt yet, but I liked them more than Pullips. |D" I think I started liking them even more once I learned about Hujoo Wings.
Now I'm pretty cool with them. :) I hope I can get the Pullips I want and bring to life more characters. Good thing I decided to look into this part of the doll hobby, too! X3