expecting a postage tidal wave

Day two of 'Mail Extravaganza' has passed. Day one gave me my first figma, Black Rock Shooter. I didn't expect for her to be so small! (Or that equipping her Rock Cannon would be a total pain. x_x)
Day two gave me pants for Eddy and a compression binder for myself. Now the only things left for Eddy are his eyes, wig (I have an extra just in case), shoes, and him. X3 waaaii, I can't wait!

So mail is moving well. I have two layaways for three dolls going on right now. One will be finished next month, while the other will wrap up in May. (And just in time for my friend's birthday!) Hopefully I can keep the money flowing 'til then.

On Monday, I bought a design from an artist on FA. The character reminded me of a Resinsoul Song (And a bit like my character, Zeitton) so I bought it and I'm basing Zei from it. Hopefully he'll look as cute in real life. XD

bleeh, back to drawing~


Stephanie Moule said…
Aha, glad the post is finally moving and that things are arriving for you!
Enski said…
Thank you!

I actually got something the other day that my seller and I thought was lost. We didn't know that the US post was limiting letters/parcels from the EU so it was bizarre when it didn't show up. ^^" Hopefully this is the same for others!