Heh, there goes my whole 'Oh, there's only going to be five more dolls I want to buy!' fling. Now it's moved to 'Get a shit ton of MSDs? Okay!'


So I don't think I'll get those character dolls of Hitsugaya and Luppi (Bleach) yet, because I still need to plan everything for them. I made a post about it earlier but it's missing some major things (Like face-up and body artist/s).
Plus I haven't written about the pair for some time and I really wanted the dolls to help me see any scenes I had a problem writing.

Now I've moved on to this... Ten character, mainly Greek 'character'/name yoinking thing that has some promise. And then this other idea where I give Eddy a pet fox spirit-thing that doesn't do much but lounge on him.

But back to the idea with the longer cast.

I really need to start drawing characters out because I'm about to go on a head buying spree and have no clue on anyone's eye colour, hair colour, or hair style looks like. All I know is that I might just cave into buying a bunch of glass eyes (Glass? I don't think I have a preference on eye-types, yet) and, when she re-opens, bug Revilis to make wigs for everyone. :'D

I know that I have appearances made for the Collins, Harris, Tiresias, Cassandra, and Pompeyo. It's mainly hair and/or eyes, though. ...I'm dreading the amount of work this will be. I mean, I'm cool with character creation, but not this many at once that I actually plan to keep.
(This actually makes me think if I should drop Paris, Hector, and Helenus, but everyone is important.)

So, the cast is set, and I need to figure out what I want to do. Either buy a ton of heads (Second hand) and then bodies (from DDE, and they'd cost ~3,285$ all together xAx ), get anything when both the head/body/full doll is available and I have money (aka What I'm doing now), or save to buy a bunch of al a carte MNFs (preferably in batches).

...ugh. And that's just Minifee. For Vadin, I'll have to buy a full Asa and then stalk Junkyspot for when they have a Limho Mono in stock. So unless I find the head and/or body by itself then that hybrid is going to cost ~800$.

I am not a fan of the numbers I'm seeing.

>_> I'm going to doodle for the rest of the day.
