ADAW 2k15 - "Shatter"

It is too early in the morning to be taking pictures, but so kelp me, I wanted to get this done. Technically, I'm a little late, but it's no big deal.

Anywave, let's talk about Icara, my A.I.R./ChicoBricks SAY-Vampire!


Icara was my first doll head, back in... 2009? I got him after getting Tepi, and his character has sort of been shoved into any doll-verse that will have him. He's kind of like a guardian/care taker for the main gang.
It's been a long, drawn out ride getting him all together. I think I posted a small timeline somewhere, but it took more years than I'd rather admit to get him a body, face up, and outfit. |D;;

This week's theme was sort of interesting, because it relates to Icara's backstory (in one of the doll-verses). Basically, he used to be a really bad guy, who drifted from place to place causing trouble. Eventually he cut that out and became a new, better person. So his whole picture is his past coming back to haunt him.
I don't know if I'll ever expand on it? I think about it, but I like Icara too much to ever think he could be bad. ; v; )a

ghh, I think that's enough.
bed time 4reelz
