it's 2021 and guess who's over spending :^)

(One day my titles won't be completely stream of conscious thoughts.) 

Some 'real talk': This year has been a lot for my family, and unfortunately my response to dealing with stress is concealing emotions and spending money so I have something to look forward to in the future.

And that means I have a lot more projects on my work bench and, unsurprisingly, less money to get commissioned work done (and also less money to buy tools to attempt to DIY).

So anyway I got into cotton dolls (plush dolls / 'K-Pop dolls') and that's been a fun corner of the doll hobby! I've always liked plushies but the styling of [older] K-pop dolls never grabbed my attention. Nowadays there seems to be a lot more variety and concepts swirling around, and it's making for a lot of interesting dolls and clothing!

I currently have 5 dolls at home and I'm waiting on...9 more, production times willing.

On the resin side of things, I received my dolls that had been at an extended spa trip with my buddy, Tamakyu! I love the work she did, aaaAAAHH-- o((>ω< ))o ♥♥ 

Thankfully 2 of the 3 sculpts are as complete as they're going to be. The SD head (Flower and Junior Char) needs a bust mod and, of course, clothes. I tried making a list of all of my WIP dolls on Notion and I think I have.. 6-ish BJDs that need things...... ||orz

As for nendoroid hybrids, I recently got a 1/12 resin body from Sprouting Dragon. One friend showed the bodies to us in a comparison pic, and then another friend and I did a tiny group order amongst ourselves. It took about 6 months for production.

Initially I ordered 2 bear bodies in cinnamon, but there must've been a mix up since the proxy received 2 cat bods in that color (@_@;) Oddly enough, my friend wanted a cinnamon cat but, at the time, it wasn't an available option. So everything kind of worked out!

I really like the looks of the bodies! It took me a little too long to figure out where to put the tail magnet, but who doesn't like a good learning curve. (hint: it goes in the widest hip socket.) The cinnamon bodies didn't have a nendoroid neck connector piece (which I completely missed from the proxy photos), but thankfully the almond bodies we included did. The bodies also came wired which was super nice!!

I think that's everything I got to share? (I did want to take a bunch of pictures of the Sprouting Dragon bodies and do a write up, but my energy has been whack. I'm surprised I got this much typed out!)

I guess on a parting note: Lately I've been thinking about making a very general doll hobby forum? (Or even a personal website.) I'm sure a forum like that exists and I just don't know about it, but after having F*cebook deem one of nendo hybrid resource files as ""spam"" and delete it (even though I'm the admin of my group??), and then joining Discord servers where the information is kinda too spread out and buried under too much conversation for my liking, I'm getting to a point where I need my own little corner to act a a HQ for info dumping. I know I can link back to tutorials and other things here, but my track record for posting here isn't the most...consistent...

Anyway, that's something for me to think about. It'd be a good use of my degree, at the very least.
