
Showing posts from November, 2010

Work Day

Today has been a work day for me. I started a little late, but so far I've made Tiresias' wig with no problem :D Anyone in need of a ginger-headed prophet? The next thing I'll do is fix the pants & make a shirt for my friend's doll. I've been meaning to for a long while, but never had the time or have been waaay too lazy . And after I'll try to make another wig for Gammon (LS Wolfram.) But to do them, I have to stop goofing off and eating oily foods that prevent me from touching the dolls |D sigh . - Enski


:C I kept staring at the new Taeyang, Raiki. I want him. /shame. I have a character figured out for him too :| Tress Brigden, Cryss' older brother who works as a roaming photographer and model. The Kain & Raiki sculpts lo ok similar, anyway, and I actually have a solid last name for Cryss now (I... forgot the first one that popped into my head. I remembered it starting with a 'B,' though! :'D) So other than wanting to buy Pullips (Can we wipe my brain of BJDs and substitute Pullips instead? /regret.) I received Guhn's boots today. I didn't know they'd be so big, so I was surprised when I was putting them on and they 'ate' his pant-legs XD My friend's gift should be back in the mail :3 Hopefully it'll be here ASAP so I can get it to her and not have to worry much about it. =3=)" It's nice to be busy. - Enski


I think the only Pullip dolls I want are Souseiseki, Taeyang Kain, and Dal Tezca. I would like the other four Taeyangs I thought up characters for but I think I'll be fine with three. Plus I still want boy bodies for Souseiseki and Tezca XD I still need to figure out what male body to use with a Pullip to still make it shorter than a Tae. There was a complication with one of my friend's gifts, but it's been resolved and it shall be re-sent tomorrow with hopefully more goodies~! I also have to check back with a few more sellers for shipping prices and pictures. I have a feeling that I'm going to try to buy some Pullip dolls next month, even though that's not in my plans :< I'm trying my best to see this through and not be selfish. I also need to figure out what I'm getting my best amigo for Christmas ;-; A DS, paid livejournal accout, or something Star Trek related. I can't pick one.
^^" Terry's wig has been sold~ But the seller said that she would try to keep an eye out for another one *_* So I won't give up! (I really  hope I can find that wig |D" Anyone have a Monique Buttercup Wig in Irish Red that they don't want?) But I'm using that money to buy Guhn some shoes and a scarf c: All he'll need after that is an appropriate shirt, wig, and little brother X3 My friend's gift should be in the mail today or tomorrow :D Her PukiPuki is coming with extra clothes so that's great for the both of us c: Now time to... make more money, get cosplay together and enjoy a con, not fail (a lot of) classes, and buy moar things! - Enski

Yes, I'm VERY Repetitive.

I enjoy my displacement of time since it gives me the chance to think about the same thing 50 times in about two days but it feels more like a week. Annoying, yes, (because I realize that it was just the other day) but convenient for me to keep on track with things. Too bad it doesn't apply to school :'D (Also, there was some fandom that I was getting pissed off at even though I like it? >:U Can't remember what it is now... Whatever, I get annoyed at everything.) ANYWAY. I'm pretty sure that I'm going to be ordering things today :D A PukiPuki Ruby & a wig for Tiresias. Just have to get a shipping quote and I should be all set. ...Hope so, anyway 8/ I haven't been sewing ;-; I feel bad that I didn't do any on Saturday  (It was either that or an essay and neither got done XD ) I guess I can try tonight, if my essays don't take too long. =3=) nnnuuuuu, being a student sux. - Enski

lol no tae for enski

I guess buying a present for a friend is more important than a Taeyang... I mean, she really wants a PukiPuki Ruby and all. And I already put it on hold :< Well, I'll just hope that I can get enough money to buy a Kain later or something. Man, am I only buying for friends now? IWANTMYTAEYANGDANGIT. nnggghhh, my niceness is acting up again ;-; - Enski