Ferris Wheelin'

:'D I'm really happy that more (soon to be) doll owners are popping up around here. It's making August more and more exciting.
 Okay, sounding and feeling like Reboot!Scotty.

I'm... thinking of getting a Iplehouse JID Joshua =__=)" I actually don't like the sculpt because of his smile, and I hope I'm not liking him because a future owner I've recently met is getting an Iple MSD too... But I've seen him around DoA before and took a bit of a liking towards him. I'll let the idea sit around and see how I feel.

Getting near crunch time for free spending D| Since Fall semester of Uni is starting up soon, and I more/less have until the end of the year (I gave myself an extension, I'm sure my grandmother will be okay with it) I have to buckle down and figure out which boys to get now. Guhn (Volks Colin) and Boston (Luts 08man), for sure. I may try for Atrophy (Soom Alk) and I'm thinking about getting the Iple Joshua. ...I do want an Iple doll...

Anyway, fanfics, gaming, and sleep calls. I'll see what I can do to save myself from this craziness.

- Enski
