Dollidays Are The Best Days 'Cause
The best days are dollidays! Catastrophe has already struck and the day hasn't changed :'D I opened up Lagoona and Jackson today. They both look pretty cool but came with defects, sadly. Jackson's face-up has some ruin at his right eyebrow. It's not too bad, but visible. As for Lagoona... At first, it was just the hole in the back in the back of her leggings. But as I was changing her and putting her arm back on it kind of snapped. So the nub that locks in is stuck in her arm and I doubt I can fish it out. I looked on Mattel's service site to see if I could get a replacement, but they only replace the lower arms and hands. *sigh* Damages aside, I still like them :] I'll be up tonight fixing Lagoona. Cheers!