Post of Their Own

I'm glad Naomi is letting us have our own post. She was planning on doing this awhile ago, but never got to it. Hey, where is she anyway?

Yuki-chan said something about Gravitation. She must be in her room reading.

Hold up. Are we talking about the same person?

Yeah. Animekitty13 is both Naomi and Yuki. She just has different names.

She goes by Naomi, Kasumi, Rei, Yuki, Shintaia, and Lin. These are her RPG names.

Wait, Role Playing Games right?

-.-" Yes Horokeu.

^_^" Heh, gomen Sasuke.

Oh! I remembered something. Happy Late 4th Of July! =^n__n^=

Although we did post something on that day. I guess we're lazy.

. . .Did you two already forget? >.>

Forget what Sasuke?

We're suppose to be talking about Yuki's new comic.

Oh yeah! Ok. Naomi is making a comic called SAiNT CRoSS. This is about a 14 year-old girl named Saint. Born in England, Saint was brought up by a good family that spent their time helping everyone in trouble, whether they were rich or poor. She was feared by the people in her neighborhood because Saint was the quiet one in her family, her eyes always hid behind sunglasses.

One day, Saint's family told her that they were moving to either America or Japan for business. Now Saint's life is broken. For she is Agent Cross, Demon Hunter. Though it is tough to hunt for demons in England, her training will have to be used in a crash course. The only things stopping her from missions are:

Saint's over protective parents. As long as they're near, this agent's job is going to be close to impossible. Especially when the Big Bosses start appearing. This will be rated T (Teen) to OT (Older Teen), depending on content and should be in manga form. Hopefully, Naomi will have a couple pages done before Christmas ^_^

So, are we done yet?

I guess so. Well,


-HoroHoro, Sasuke, Max
