U-Noa Fever

AlchemicLabo , Cresent Shop , Unoa Quluts (Alchemic lab news and sales schedule)

:3 I've looked into these dolls before, but held no interest in them. Now I'm looking into them again, and I'm seeing possibilities.

I first looked into them because of the face plate system- which looks very interesting to say. There are a couple that I would consider getting :3 As long as I could replicate the face-up so many times over XD

But the only things that got to me was (1) How/Where to order them and (2) Genders.
Because everyone knows that Enski likes the men-folk 8D
:0 It seems that U-Noa females are pretty popular, but there are some males. And the U-noa Chibi Roron can be made into a male, so I'm good 8D

I'll keep my interest open for these dolls :3 Not sure if I really want one or not.

- Enski
