Volks Beast

:x So~ I've have once again been in the clutches of the beast called Volks. Sucked in by their YoSDs of doom.
And I would very much like a Colin ;__; Hopefully this is a passing phase, but just in case I ever get one chance to own a Volks boy, it better be a Colin (Unless Scarface Cecile &/or Reisner are an option >w> )

I'd wanna give that kid a wardrobe that POPS! And a mini mo-hawk 8D Or like, short to long layered/choppy hair and then a long tuft coming from the centre that sort of acts like a bang c:

D| okay, that's enough.

Er, I've sort of named him :x Coal Cobalt Gun. I have other spellings, but that's basically it for pronunciation-sake. nnnggghhh, I must wait before I splurge~ And find a rad face-up artist (For like, all my dolls XDD" )

x_x urg, it's earrllyy~

- Enski
